Love is Calling
Drawing on faith in Christ, I discuss the challenges of life along with the victory and true freedom available in belief in Jesus alone. Born again in 1987, I have traveled a road that has taken many paths and has at times been very traumatic. Raised in a dysfunctional family, sexually abused at a young age, separated from parents at times, along with the devastation that comes from decades in a fellowship which became a religious cult, it felt like the fear, guilt and shame was irreversible and simply my lot in life. But God! God has opened my eyes to the amazing truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and who I am in Him. My identity as a blood bought child of the Living God, through no work on my part other than simply coming to Him in faith, obliterates the religious requirements of man, and HIs great love has set me free from the fear, guilt and shame of my past. If He can change my trajectory from barely existing to victorious, He can do the same for you. -Banner Kidd
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Being overtaken by desire and not taking every thought, desire, passion, captive will bring very tragic results that can be life changing! King Herod became entrapped by his own passion and by his own pride and fear of what he might lose if he admitted he was wrong. It costs John the Baptist his head. Apart from repentance it was worse for Herod. The price to pay was death, hell and the grave!
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Friend! If you love Jesus and people, and want to really be used by Him to make a difference, join me in and see where He puts you and what He wants to do in and through you! The stream of The Holy Spirit who is God is moving! Trust Him! Wade in, fall back and allow Him to take you where He wants you to be, and do what He wants you to do and say what He wants to say through you. Join me for The Daily Good News Podcast!
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
There are those who are adamant that they will have nothing to do with some of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit. One of the most ill-spoken of is speaking in tongues. I agree there there a place rife with fleshly expressions in arrogance that are not manifestations of The Spirit. But there are fleshly expressions in many areas of Christianity. We don't seem to fear those at all! Man's religion seems a safe and benign place to exist. But to deny the Spirit's gifts and even attribute them to evil is some cases is very dangerous! Join me in today's episode of The Daily Good News on The Love is Calling Podcast.
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Being able to hear the Voice of God who is Spirit, clearly, without the intrusion of man's opinion or religious doctrine, along with allowing the Light of the Word of God to shine brightly upon who we are and what we think, say and do is imperative! Religious church going, and looking the part and sounding the part won't do. Jesus said, "You must be born again." Join me for this episode of The Daily Good News on The Love is Calling Podcast in Mark 4:23-35.
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
This connects dots and adds foundation to the work of the Spirit in bringing me and my family out of the cult of Hebrew Roots. The Spirit told me clearly, about six years ago, that unless I repented and returned to my First Love He would remove my lampstand from me, as I read from Revelation Chapter Two. Today, in Mark Chapter Four, reading about putting a light under a basket or a bed, rather than putting it on a lampstand so that it shines to reveal truth or lie, I was reminded on what He said to me in Revelation Chapter Two. And then I was reminded of what John said about Jesus being the Light and He is the Light of Men. The Light is our life. Moving three chapters later, John talks about those who refuse to come into the light versus those who won't. Join me on this, a bit longer episode, of The Daily Good News on The Love is Calling Podcast.
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
The competition for our ear space has always been a problem. But it is even more now that we have so much marketed to us that appeals to our flesh, and the enemy using his vast distribution network to keep us engaged with anything other than God the Spirit. The parable of the sower is about having ears to hear, Jesus said. Do we? Do we want to hear Him? Or are we too tickled in our uncircumcised ears that we would rather fill it with the cares of the world, the worry, the fear, or the deceitfulness of riches and stuff? Join me with Today's Good News on the Love is Calling Podcast.
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
I've been hammering on Spiritual unity and the oneness that is God, and that we are invited into. The more I seek God I'm finding that unity and oneness in God the Spirit is not an option, but a commandment. And it is what He is doing in His body, to build His body. That is how He is building His kingdom and it isn't made up of ornate large structures but His kingdom is one of love made up of His children who want to be used to raise up more and more. Join me for The Daily Good News on Love is Calling!
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Face it, neither you nor I, knowing who Judas was like Jesus did, would have numbered him among the Twelve, to be sent our with ability to heal. That's because we aren't capable of seeing people's hearts like Jesus does. And we worry that something bad will happen if we don't step in and make sure folks fly right, according to what we think right is. Brothers and sisters, fighting and quarreling and division is because we feel we have to be right and we have to point out when we think others are wrong. But Jesus wasn't in a hurry, and he knew exactly what was in Judas' heart. Are we willing to trust Him that He is in complete control of others and everything, and that all we have to do is just have faith in that truth, and trust that everything will work out for our good, because of His love for us and our love for Him? Join me in today's episode of The Daily Good News, on Love is Calling.
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Too often young believers are or congregants are identified as leaders by the laying on of hands, before they're equipped, and some before they're even called and born again by the Spirit who is God. It is dangerous! Both to the person hastily thrown into ministry unequipped or ill-equipped, but also to the men and women of whom he or she is to minister to. The sons of a Jewish high priest learned this the hard way when a man possessed of a wicked spirit beat them naked! Join me in today episode of Daily Good News on the Love is Calling Podcast.
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
The context of what Jesus said is clear. Notice that the Pharisees were telling Jesus that His disciples were harvesting and eating grain on the Sabbath and that was against the Law. He then tells them of David who ate the showbread, and so did His fighting men, though it was against the Law to eat it! The Law is the context. They wanted to keep the old, with the their fleshly authority, and didn't understand that the new was among them and the two can't be mixed. Join me in this episode of Love is Calling Good News Daily.
Love is Calling
A Cult. Death. Tragedy. Victory
Life is relentless and impartial in its seemingly endless march. Alone, we're helpless to the events that seem to upend our lives. But, through all that life throws at us, in faith in Christ Jesus and God's great love, we are more than conquerors.
-Romans 8:35-39