Love is Calling
Drawing on faith in Christ, I discuss the challenges of life along with the victory and true freedom available in belief in Jesus alone. Born again in 1987, I have traveled a road that has taken many paths and has at times been very traumatic. Raised in a dysfunctional family, sexually abused at a young age, separated from parents at times, along with the devastation that comes from decades in a fellowship which became a religious cult, it felt like the fear, guilt and shame was irreversible and simply my lot in life. But God! God has opened my eyes to the amazing truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and who I am in Him. My identity as a blood bought child of the Living God, through no work on my part other than simply coming to Him in faith, obliterates the religious requirements of man, and HIs great love has set me free from the fear, guilt and shame of my past. If He can change my trajectory from barely existing to victorious, He can do the same for you. -Banner Kidd
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
In Mark Chapter Two we see where the religious establishment were so steeped in their religion and their own stolen authority that they didn't believe they needed a Savior. Their knowledge of the Scriptures was nothing more than a religious badge they proudly and arrogantly wore. Their religion caused them to, eventually, murder Jesus! Nothing has changed. Our religion, of whatever denominational, doctrinal stripe will cause us the become adulterous from our First Love Jesus Christ in favor of a relationship with that religion. It is a dangerous distraction at first, and it becomes bondage removing us from the freedom in Christ because we have rejected the power of the Spirit.
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Brothers and Sisters in bondage to drugs or alcohol, guilt, shame, fear, doubt, I'm here to tell you that if you are born again you are set completely free! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of having just a form of Godliness when the power of God is available in Jesus Christ! Join me in this episode of Love is Calling Daily, and learn Truth that will be, not just a game-changer to you, but a life-changer!
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Jesus was born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, and make us sons. How did He redeem mankind? By His atoning sacrifice; His shed blood and death. He died in our place because we were condemned to die with no hope, until He died for us. Therefore, Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law and through our belief in Him, and new birth by the Spirit, the righteous requirement is fulfilled in us. We have become the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. This is a ground zero truth that shows that the legalist and especially the Law of Moses devotees have it completely wrong! Join me in this latest in the Galatian Series on Love is Calling Podcast.
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Continuing in Mark Chapter One and looking the consistent theme in the gospel accounts of Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God, we spend a few short minutes with a concise explanation of what I am talking about when I reference The Hebrew Root Movement and Messianic Judaism. Please join me for today's episode of Love is Calling Daily.
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
The clear distinction between the learned religious scholars of Judaism and the quiet yet dynamic power of the Spirit, who is God, in Jesus wasn't welcomed by the big dogs of Judaism. They claimed authority, much like some today talk of "taking authority" over spirits and dominions and cities and houses and situations. The reality is that is not authority. Authority is given by the superior Authority and apart from dying to selfish desires and humbly submitting to God for the authority that comes from His grace, we are simply lying to others and deceiving ourselves.
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
The amazing picture emerges as we look at full context of what is written in our Bible. A King who came to earth, born in a stable, raised up the son of a carpenter, then vilified, slandered, arrested, beaten nearly to death and then murdered on a cruel Roman cross. This King has never lived in a mansion, an ornate temple in a magnificent city. He has always lived in tents. The Kingdom of God resides in us, as His dwelling, in our tents and it and He is glorious!
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Authority is at the heart of man's rebellion. When John the Baptist came preaching repentance and baptizing for the remission of sins, it was rooted in the authority of God is Jesus Christ who was coming, who could only be received if one repented of his own self-claimed authority. When you refuse to die to yourself Jesus can't live in you and through you. Join me in this Love is Calling Daily Podcast, verse by verse in Mark's Gospel.
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
As one reads Paul's letter to the Galatians it becomes for definitive and succinct in declaring the law espoused by Judaism, as well as today's Messianic Judaism and the Hebrew Roots Movement as weak and beggarly and a place of bondage! For those in the Law of Moses, the die on that religious hill adherent crowd, this letter, in context, may make you want to chuck it, and all the New Testament and Jesus Himself. But if you are one who is a child of God, He won't leave you to this dangerous trap! Wake Up!
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Love is powerful! Love is God and He is Spirit and works in us to bear love as the fruit of His workmanship in us. Paul writes in Romans 12 that we are to be kindly affectionate to one another. Man that is so cool. Greeting a brother of sister with a big hug, and hugging them goodbye, being kind to one another, helping one another is all the love born thought us by the Spirit who is God, who is Love! When we offer our selfish desires to Him, dying to our flesh as a living sacrifice, we are open to His work in us as the Implanted Word, the Seed of God, who is Jesus Christ is received by us! It family being family, by the work of our great Daddy! HalleluYah!
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
TheCorinthian Church of Christ seemed to have some issues of order in the gathering of the children of God. It seems a lot of selfism, arrogance, sectarianism, and men and women not functioning in the God given roles that lifted them both up. One of the ways it was very evident was in the area of speaking in tongues. It seems that some fellowships may be in the same fix as was the Corinthian group. What does the Bible say about the gift of tongues? We know it isn't to be disallowed. But it is to be done decently and in order, as all the service of the body of Christ. What does Paul say? Join me in this 10 minute episode of Saddle Up! and be encouraged and challenged in your walk in Christ.
Love is Calling
A Cult. Death. Tragedy. Victory
Life is relentless and impartial in its seemingly endless march. Alone, we're helpless to the events that seem to upend our lives. But, through all that life throws at us, in faith in Christ Jesus and God's great love, we are more than conquerors.
-Romans 8:35-39