Love is Calling
Drawing on faith in Christ, I discuss the challenges of life along with the victory and true freedom available in belief in Jesus alone. Born again in 1987, I have traveled a road that has taken many paths and has at times been very traumatic. Raised in a dysfunctional family, sexually abused at a young age, separated from parents at times, along with the devastation that comes from decades in a fellowship which became a religious cult, it felt like the fear, guilt and shame was irreversible and simply my lot in life. But God! God has opened my eyes to the amazing truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and who I am in Him. My identity as a blood bought child of the Living God, through no work on my part other than simply coming to Him in faith, obliterates the religious requirements of man, and HIs great love has set me free from the fear, guilt and shame of my past. If He can change my trajectory from barely existing to victorious, He can do the same for you. -Banner Kidd
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Speaking in tongues can be as much of a dividing line and hot topic as is Calvinism versus Arminianism or pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture. Tongues are a gift of the Spirit, but what is it's order to be for the believer? We may not have a clear understanding, or we may believe that we do. Either way, does what you believe, or what you do and your making it a hill to die on edify our brothers and sisters, in the Church of Jesus Christ? Join me in the first part of a two parter out of 1st Corinthians Chapter 14, in this short podcast episode.
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
I was in my early teens as the hippie love movement was riding high in the mid to late 60's. Born of that, or in answer to it was the Jesus movement, or Jesus revolution and the birth of bands writing and performing songs to God and about God. But the devil continues to promote hatred. But he is diabolical and packages it as love that appeals to each of fleshly desires. Meantime , my God, Yahweh, the God of the Bible is being misrepresented as a God of hate who doesn't want you to love the way you want to. The devil gives a false and poor imitation of the Love of God, who is Love. The result is divisiveness, quarrels, ever increasing hatred resulting in attempted murder and murder! Listen to this podcast and tell me how you find hatred in the Written Word that is all about real selfless love?
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
The Acts of the Holy Spirit chronicled in The Book of Acts are amazing supernatural events! We have the same Holy Spirit, who is God, who lives in we as believers, born again by Him! He is still desiring to do the supernatural and sometimes even what we might call mundane, in and through us. It's time to tear the walls of the box we've put ourselves in and submit to His workmanship!
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Brothers and sisters still in bondage to the Law in Hebrew Roots or whatever you choose to call it, it's time to wake up and return to Jesus alone! Galatians 3:19 tells us that the law was added UNTIL the Seed would come. Verse 16 is clear that the Seed is Christ! Therefore, the law was added until Jesus came. What does "until" mean? It means reaching a terminal point in time. The law was added up to the time Jesus came. Now that He has come we are no longer under the law.
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
The Apostles of Jesus in the Book of Acts, which chronicles the amazing workmanship of God the Spirit in and through them, drew a line in the sand. They made it clear in Acts Chapter Five that they were going to obey God and when man gave them a dictate under threat of violence or death, that was in opposition to what God said, that they would always choose to obey God. What will you or I do when we're faced with loss of reputation, loss of employment, or rejection, violence or even death, if we don't tone down our Jesus talk among others? Something to consider. We're no different than those apostles, and we represent the same Spirit who is God, who lives in and we are His vessel.
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
In Acts we see the amazing works of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers in Jesus Christ. The story of standing for Jesus and the pure gospel, and the mighty deliverance of God in the face of the persecution, imprisonments and death at the hands of the religious establishment is important for us to know. God, who is the Holy Spirit is still working in and through us. And the same religious establishment and world is against Him, and us. But He laughs them to scorn. Take 10 and join me for this episode of Saddle Up!
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
So, ya think you did your nine months, or 30 days, or many months in jail or years in prison, and you are good to go. Open the door and go free from the bars of prisons, jails, and blackouts and locked doors. But then you find yourself cut loose and suddenly you don't have those guardrails, fences, and structured life and so you struggle and then go back to the same slop trough you came out of. It doesn't have to be that way. Jesus is your strength, and He knows what you're struggling with. He began the process and He will complete it, not by religion or self-help, scripture memorization or some other man-contrived way. Listen to this episode of Saddle Up! and begin to see what you have in Jesus!
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Peter told the lame man who was begging for money, at the temple gate to "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" No money changed hands, but belief in Jesus was a game changer, literally a life changer! So, to you and me, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk," being a vessel of Jesus Christ, God the Spirit, and walk in grace by faith and He will take care of what we need for this life, and for godliness to Him. Please catch this 10 minute episode and let's get excited and Saddle Up! with Jesus!
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Pride is elevated to preferred status these days, and most professing Christians will be quick to point it out. But are we willing to address the Christian pride in our lives. Pride is pride and God resists the prideful, even the proud Christian! It is cut and dried. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, and we must have grace! This follows right in line with our last episode in Isaiah 58. I hope you will join me for this, approximately, 10 minute podcast.
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Too often we do what we do to try and impress and please God. Yet God can only be pleased by faith. The arrogance of thinking we can get God's good attention from how well we keep the law, and how good a rule keeper we can be is a trap to us and to others. Instead of restoring relationships and community we point fingers and tear them down in isolating ourselves among our own inner circle believing we have the lock on God. Listen to what God gave the prophet Isaiah to speak to Israel and is written for our example.
Love is Calling
A Cult. Death. Tragedy. Victory
Life is relentless and impartial in its seemingly endless march. Alone, we're helpless to the events that seem to upend our lives. But, through all that life throws at us, in faith in Christ Jesus and God's great love, we are more than conquerors.
-Romans 8:35-39